IAIS 601 and 602 at rest on a light foggy morning. 11/26/2006
IAIS 601 and 602 at rest on a light foggy morning. 11/26/2006
By: Chris Kelly
IAIS 626 Idles on the main (west end of Atlantic siding), while 627 and 602 are offline. Bridge over Nishnabotna River is just out of view.
IAIS 626 Idles on the main (west end of Atlantic siding), while 627 and 602 are offline. Bridge over Nishnabotna River is just out of view.
By: Chris Kelly
IAIS 485 in Atlantic 5/18/2005
IAIS 485 in Atlantic 5/18/2005
By: Chris Kelly
IAIS 413 while still in service. Atlantic Yard 2005
IAIS 413 while still in service. Atlantic Yard 2005
By: Chris Kelly
IAIS 495 crossing locust St. Atlatic Iowa on 5/18/2005
IAIS 495 crossing locust St. Atlatic Iowa on 5/18/2005
By: Chris Kelly
After crossing the Nishnabota River IAIS 600 heads East through Atlantic Iowa. 8/24/2006
After crossing the Nishnabota River IAIS 600 heads East through Atlantic Iowa. 8/24/2006
By: Chris Kelly
6 images in this album.
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  Last modified on January 17, 2014 at 08:37.