Album: IAIS 250 - SW1200

Conductor's side view of the 250, a Proto2000 SW1200. The solid red-on-grey IAIS lettering was courtesy of a custom decal Chris Lastovich was kind enough to share with me. Thanks again Chris! I blended this into the Microscale red/yellow band with Floquil Signal Red and SP Lettering Gray dabbed on with very fine-grain foam pieces, then dabbed more red along the length of the grey stripe to simulate areas where some original color remained.

Next, I cut pieces of yellow IAIS lettering from Microscale set #87-551 and applied them to represent areas where the prototype's yellow lettering remained partially intact, blending the red and yellow portions of the letters using several washes.
By: Joe Atkinson

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Conductor's side view of the 250, a Proto2000 SW1200.  The solid red-on-grey IAIS lettering was courtesy of a custom decal Chris Lastovich was kind enough to share with me.  Thanks again Chris!  I blended this into the Microscale red/yellow band with Floquil Signal Red and SP Lettering Gray dabbed on with very fine-grain foam pieces, then dabbed more red along the length of the grey stripe to simulate areas where some original color remained.

Next, I cut pieces of yellow IAIS lettering from Microscale set #87-551 and applied them to represent areas where the prototype's yellow lettering remained partially intact, blending the red and yellow portions of the letters using several washes.
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  Last modified on April 26, 2010, at 11:40 PM