Album: Construction photos

I tried to assemble the louvers as the instructions stated, but found the etched metal frames that were to be fabricated to hold the louvers inside the shell to be extremely difficult to work with. I ended up foregoing those frames altogether and simply ACCing the louver sets to the external frames shown in this photo. They're extremely delicate, so hopefully I can avoid breaking them during the painting, decaling and weathering process.
By: Joe Atkinson

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I tried to assemble the louvers as the instructions stated, but found the etched metal frames that were to be fabricated to hold the louvers inside the shell to be extremely difficult to work with.  I ended up foregoing those frames altogether and simply ACCing the louver sets to the external frames shown in this photo.  They're extremely delicate, so hopefully I can avoid breaking them during the painting, decaling and weathering process.
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  Last modified on April 26, 2010, at 11:40 PM