Album: Upgrading Athearn Blue Box IAIS GP38-2s

AFTER: Roof shot of upgraded units showing added details and removed engine room roof vent. There aren't a lot of detail differences between the IAIS 700s, but horn type is one common variation. During the Spring 2005 era I model, 703 had a Nathan P-3 and 709 had a Leslie RS5T. Fortunately, SoundTraxx offers both as air horn selections with their Tsunami decoder, so programming them was simply a matter of setting CV115 to "5" (RS5T) or "11" (P-3).

I'm not sure why, but 709 also features four additional lift rings on the outer edges of the DB blisters.

Athearn's SmartStart warning labels were very difficult to see, and the SmartStart logos and most other informational decals on the long hood doors were missing entirely. Those were added to the models using the updated Microscale set #87-551 for IAIS diesels. Unfortunately, due to a Microscale mistake in the most recent updates, you need multiple sets to decal a single unit.
By: Joe Atkinson

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AFTER: Roof shot of upgraded units showing added details and removed engine room roof vent.  There aren't a lot of detail differences between the IAIS 700s, but horn type is one common variation.  During the Spring 2005 era I model, 703 had a Nathan P-3 and 709 had a Leslie RS5T.  Fortunately, SoundTraxx offers both as air horn selections with their Tsunami decoder, so programming them was simply a matter of setting CV115 to "5" (RS5T) or "11" (P-3).

I'm not sure why, but 709 also features four additional lift rings on the outer edges of the DB blisters.

Athearn's SmartStart warning labels were very difficult to see, and the SmartStart logos and most other informational decals on the long hood doors were missing entirely.  Those were added to the models using the updated Microscale set #87-551 for IAIS diesels.  Unfortunately, due to a Microscale mistake in the most recent updates, you need multiple sets to decal a single unit.
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  Last modified on April 26, 2010, at 11:40 PM