Kato repower of Mike Tomei's P2K GP20, using Stewart/Kato F-unit drive.  P2K frame milled by Glenn Hoover.  Mike Tomei photo.

For details on how I installed a Tsunami decoder and Railmaster speaker into a similar unit (Stewart/Kato drive in one of Glenn's milled P2K frames), please see http://forum.atlasrr.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=68452 .
Kato repower of Mike Tomei's P2K GP20, using Stewart/Kato F-unit drive. P2K frame milled by Glenn Hoover. Mike Tomei photo.

For details on how I installed a Tsunami decoder and Railmaster speaker into a similar unit (Stewart/Kato drive in one of Glenn's milled P2K frames), please see http://forum.atlasrr.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=68452 .
By: Joe Atkinson
Mike Tomei photo.
Mike Tomei photo.
By: Joe Atkinson
Mike Tomei photo.
Mike Tomei photo.
By: Joe Atkinson
3 images in this album.
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  Last modified on April 12, 2012 at 11:22.