Model: | GP8 |
Built: | Jan 1957 (EMD) |
Rebuilt: | Sep 1972 |
Horsepower: | 1750 |
Frame #: | 5029-10 |
Builders #: | 11041 |
IAIS Acqd: | Apr 1988 |
IAIS Paint: | Apr 1988 |
Rept Marks | From | To | Notes |
PWSX 405 | May 2005 | Present | |
IAIS 405 | Apr 1988 | May 2005 | Referred to as GP8 by IAIS |
BN 1415 | Jan 1975 | Apr 1988 | Referred to as GP10 by BN |
BN 1515 | ??? | Jan 1975 | Rebuilt to BN GP10 1415 |
GN 615 | Oct 1950 | ??? | Built as GP7 |
- BN nomenclature for their GP7 rebuilds was to refer to them as GP10s. However, being more mechanically similar to GP8s from ICG (as they were built from GP7 cores), the IAIS roster refers to them as GP8s.