IAIS ES44AC #512

IAIS 512 in Iowa City, IA, on 3 Nov 2010
By: Frank Grizel
Built:Unknown (GE)
Builder #:Unknown
IAIS Acqd:29 Oct 2009
IAIS Paint:Oct 2009 (Phase V)
Rept MarksFromToNotes
IAIS 51229 Oct 2009Present


  • All of IAIS's ES44ACs were built to CSX's ES44AH "heavy" specification at 432,000 lbs, and includes the high traction software modifications.
  • 512 was actually built and painted as CSXT 950 before CSX cancelled the order. The unit was then sold to IAIS and moved to Mid-America Car in Kansas City for paint, arriving on 3 Oct 2009 with its CSX markings covered with grey primer.
  • Unlike the first order (500-511), 512 and 513 have the door on the engineer's side of the cab.
  • 512 arrived on IAIS and placed in service on 29 Oct 2008.
Standard Roster Shots
Engineer's Side, Front 3/4
IAIS 512 in DPU at Fairfax, 12-05-2010.
IAIS 512 in Iowa City. 11-03-2010
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  Last modified on January 26, 2015, at 08:49 AM
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